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Symphony Custom ROM Developer

Thursday 5 November 2015

[APP] Ui changer to add in your custom ROM

If you are theming or modding a rom you may think about adding more UI and a UI Switcher for those.If you thinking about this then you can use my app.

How to add it to your custom rom :
1)Download the app below .
2)Put it to system/app of your custom rom.
3)Now make a  folder in data/uichanger in the system folder of your custom rom.
4)Now make 3 different themed or modded systemui.apk that you want to use in your rom.
5)Name them ui1.pack, ui2.pack and ui3.pack and put them on system/data/uichanger folder
6)See the photo below
We have 3 ui's . The first  xperia ui linked to ui1.pack the second linked to ui2.apck means if you select xperia ui it will switch ui1.pack.

7)YOu can change the names after decompileing the apk . In res/values/strings.xml. Look for ui1,ui2 and ui3
8)Now you have to set the path to your systeui.apk in strings.xml and look for systemUIpath.
For lolllipop the path is  /system/priv-app/SystemUI/SystemUI.apk
For kitkat 
For JB


Ok all works done now you can switch your UI . Any questions or bug reports in comment.

Download link UICHanger.apk