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Symphony Custom ROM Developer

Monday, 2 June 2014

CUSTOM ROM GALAXY S4 rom for xplorer w35

After a long time here is S4 rom for W35.
I have no time to write description. Here is the download link.
S4 rom W35.zip
Here are two patches
1)video patch Video patch.zip
2)Dialer app
Remember to factory reset or it wont boot up.
No description just a full experience of GALAXY S4 to your Xplorer W35.
1.video bug you cant play any video without my patch.
2.Phone.apk is not working so use my dialer.
Method to use video patch.
You need TWRP recovery installed in your W35.Now open video patch and extract the TWRP folder to your phones SDCARD . Now turn your phone off and go to TWRP recovery and chose restore and then chose your package. THere are two package.One has IMEI installed and other dows not.
Dont copy my work. Here are some screenshots.